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Lord of the rings

Character has a 1000 exp. points.
While you are playing pause the game, then hold the R and L buttons, then type the code for the character you want to increase.
Code Effect
Up, B, Y, A Aragorn
B, Y, Up, B Faramir
Down, Y, Up, Down Frodo
X, Y, Up, Down Gandalf
X, X, Y, A Gimli
A, Y, Up, A Legolas
X, X, B, A Merry
Y, A, B, A Pippin
Y, A, Down, A Sam
  Contributed By: DarkLink89
Secret Codes
Pause the game, hold L + R and enter the following:
Code Effect
Down, Y, Up, X All four-hit combos for Gandalf
B, Down, X, Up All three-hit combos for Aragorn
D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, Y, B All Upgrades
Y, D-Pad Up, Y, D-Pad Down Always Devestating
X, B, Up, X Infinite Co-op Respawns
B, B, D-Pad Down, X Infinite Missles
B, X, B, D-Pad Up Invulnerable
X, D-pad Down, Y, A Perfect Mode
Y, Y, Y, Down Replenish Legolas's Arrows
A, A, X, A Replenish Sam's Throwing Daggers
Y, X, A, B Restore Gandalf's missiles
B, B, X, X Restore Health
Down, A, A, A Share Experience in Co-op mode
Down, A, A, A Share Experience in Co-op mode
Y, Up, B, B Share health
D-Pad Down, X, D-Pad Up, B Targeting Indecator Mode
A, A, Y, Y Unlock (Temporary) Faramir
A, B, A, Up Unlock all Actor Interviews
A, Down, Down, A Unlock Merry
Y, X, B, Down Unlock Pippin
YX,X,X Unlocks Frodo right away!
  Contributed By: Gannon2157, discoinferno84, DarkLink89, Dunno, Nfan42991, Mr Stick, lemonpie
Unlock 3-Hit Combo
Pause the game, then press the R and L buttons. With the buttons still pressed type in the code for the character you're using
Code Effect
B, X, X, Up Aragorn
B, Y, Up, Y Faramir
B, X, Y, B Frodo
X, A, Y, X Gandalf
Up, B, X, B Gimli
B, Y, Y, X Legolas
Y, A, Up, Y Merry
Up, Up, B, X Pippin
B, A, X, B Sam
Y, Up, B, B Share Health
  Contributed By: DarkLink89
Unlock 4-Hit Combo
Pause the game, then press the R and L buttons. With the buttons still pressed type in the code for the character you're using
Code Effect
Up, B, Y, X Aragorn
A, B, Up, A Faramir
X, B, X, X Frodo
X, Y, Up, X Gandalf
Y, B, Up, A Gimli
A, X, Y, B Legolas
B, A, B, B Merry
A, A, X, X Pippin
Up, X, Y, Y Sam
  Contributed By: DarkLink89
Unlock Skills
While playing pause, hold the R and L buttons on the, then type the code for the character
Code Effect
X, Y, A, Y Aragorn Level 2
X, B, X, B Aragorn Level 4
X, Y, B, B Aragorn Level 6
Up, B, Y, Up Aragorn Level 8
A, B, A, X Faramir Level 2
A, A, B, B Faramir Level 4
Y, A, X, X Faramir Level 6
X, X, X, X Faramir Level 8
Y, Up, X, X Frodo Level 2
Y, Up, X, X Frodo Level 4
X, X, A, Y Frodo Level 6
X, X, X, X Frodo Level 8
X, Y, A, Y Gandalf Level 2
Y, Up, B, A Gandalf Level 4
Y, Y, A, Up Gandalf Level 6
X, B, X, X Gandalf Level 8
A, X, X, B Gimili Level 8
Up, X, B, B Gimli Level
Y, B, X, Up Gimli Level 4
X, Y, X, B Gimli Level 6
B, Up, Up, X Leglolas Level 8
B, B, X, B Legolas Level 2
X, X, A, A Legolas Level 4
X, X, Up, X Legolas Level 6
X, X, B, B Merry Level 2
B, A, X, X Merry Level 4
X, X, B, Y Merry Level 6
X, Y, A, B Merry Level 8
X, A, X, Up Pippin Level 2
A, X, X, X Pippin Level 4
X, Y, X, Y Pippin Level 6
B, Up, Up, X Pippin Level 8
X, A, X, Y Sam Level 2
Up, X, B, A Sam Level 4
X, X, Up, Up Sam Level 6
X, X, Y, Y Sam Level 8
  Contributed By: XCommander
Secret Characters
Complete the listed objectives to unlock the secret characters.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Faramir Beat the Cracks of Doom
Merry Beat the Cracks of Doom
Pippin Beat the Cracks of Doom
  Contributed By: Elf Of Lothlorien
Unlock Actor Interviews and Concept Art
You get quick cast interviews and concept art by beating the following levels:
Unlockable How to Unlock
"Hobbits On Gaming" (Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd & Domonic Monoghan) Beat Helm's Deep
Andy Serkis (Gollum) Interview Beat The Crack of Doom
Billy Boyd (Pippin) Interview Beat The Crack of Doom
Christopher Lee (Saruman) Interview Beat The Road to Isengard
Concept Art Beat Helm's Deep
David Wenham (Faramir) Interview Beat The Crack of Doom
Domonic Monoghan (Merry) Interview Beat The Crack of Doom
Elijah Wood (Frodo) Interview Beat Shelob's Lair
More Concept Art Beat The King of the Dead
Sean Astin (Sam) Interview Beat Escape from Osgiliath
Sir Ian MacKellen (Gandalf) Interview Beat Minas Tirith: Top of the Wall
  Contributed By: Deathborn X
Unlock Secret Levels
These are just basically small rooms of enemies that you can fight. These are great for getting some quick experience.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Palantir of Saruman Beat the Crack of Doom
Palantir of Sauron Get Gandalf, Sam, and either Aragorn, Legolas or Gimli to level 10
  Contributed By: master c08
Infinite Devastating attacks (Gandalf)
Reduce your ranged attack meter to 10, and hold Y to charge up a devastating attack right before an in-level cutscene occurs. When it is over, you can use your devastating attack over and over again(if you use a ranged attack, the effect stops).
  Contributed By: zeldaking333

  Star Wars

Skip the Hangar
Hold the L and R triggers while selecting your mission to skip the hangar and fly in the default craft.
  Contributed By: PorkinsJr
Cheat Passwords
Go to the Passcodes screen in the Options Menu.
Password Effect
HYWSC!WS / NONGAMER All Single-Player Regular Missions
WPX?FGC! / EXCERSIZ Co-Op Endurance
IIOUAOYE / WIMPIAM! Gives infinite lives in Co-Op and Single-Player
EEQQ?YPL / CHE!ATER Unlock all levels (SP)
LOOKMOM! Unlock Credits
THEDUDES Unlock Documentary
RTWCVBSH / BFNAGAIN Unlock Naboo Starfighter
BBGMYWSX/JEDIWHO? Unlock the Jedi Starfighter
TGBCWLPN/ZZBOUNTY Unlock the Slave 1
YNMSFY?P / YOUDAMAN Unlocks Ace Mode
SWGRCQPL / UCHEATED Unlocks all regular missions in Co-Op
FRLL!CSF / FARMBOY? Unlocks Beggars Canyon Race for multiplayer.
NOCOLOR? Unlocks Black and White mode
YFCEDFRH/DSAGAIN? Unlocks Death Star Escape in Co-Op
!H!F?HXS / KOOLSTUF Unlocks Empire Strikes Back Arcade Game
RTJPFC!G / TIMEWARP Unlocks Star Wars Arcade
!KOOLART Unlocks the Art Gallery
QZCRPTG!/HANSRIDE Unlocks the Millennium Falcon
HARKHARK Unlocks the Music Hall
MCKEMAKD/ONESHOT! Unlocks the TIE fighter in Co-Op
JASDJWFA / !DABOMB! Unlocks Tie Bomber
  Contributed By: xXDeathFromAboveXx, obishawn, gsgreg, Obi Wan Kenobi, JustDave, mozhu1, InternalFlame, NGCGameMaster, Kehaes, Commy, Sam The Smuggler
Bonus Missions
Unlockable How to Unlock
Attack on the Executor Located above Triumph of the Empire. *30 points*
Death Star Escape Located above Revenge of the Empire. *10 points needed to unlock*
Escape from Hoth Located left of Battlefield Hoth. *20 points*
Flight from Bespin Located right of Deception at Destrillion. *20 points*
Rebel Endurance Located above Attack on the Executor. *30 points*
  Contributed By: Grenade Guzzler
Co-op Upgrades
To get these upgrades for your ships, you must find them in the following levels.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Advanced Cluster Missiles In Prisons of the Maw, when you're supposed to go blow up the Communications Relay, look for a dome building along the way and bomb it.
Advanced Concussion Missiles This upgrade can only be found in the daytime. In Imperial Academy Heist, once you reach the academy, fly through the east hangar for the upgrade.
Advanced Lasers In Battle of Hoth, wait for the shield generator to get destroyed, then look in the place where the shield generator used to be.
Advanced Proton Bombs In Razor Rendezvous, fly to the left side of the Star Destroyer and look for a shuttle. Destroy the shuttle for the upgrade.
Advanced Proton Torpedoes In Ison Corridor Ambush, look for a piece of debris that can be flown through.
Advanced Shields In Death Star Attack, look around on the Death Star's surface for the upgrade in the second part of the level.
Homing Cluster Missiles In Battle of Endor, in the second part of the level, destroy the Star Destroyer on the left. Once it stops falling, fly around its hangar.
Homing Concussion Missiles In Raid on Bespin, the upgrade is found in the second group of platforms behind the gas tanks.
Homing Proton Torpedoes In Vengeance on Kothlis, the upgrade is found in the Star Destroyer's right side which can be flown through.
Spread Proton Bombs Can only be found at night. In Imperial Academy Heist, fly through the west hangar of the academy for the upgrade.
Targeting Computer Upgrade In Strike at the Core, before the opening to the core, you'll see pipes in the bottom-right corner in which you must fly through.
  Contributed By: Nhatters
Get Upgrades
Unlockable How to Unlock
Advanced Cluster Missles BATTLEFIELD HOTH-3rd part. Use e-web gun to destroy first box AT-ST comes from. Run to get upgrade before destroying last AT-ST.
Advanced Concussion Missles GUNS OF DUBRILLION-1st part. Up the ramp and to the left.
Advanced Lasers DEFIANCE ON DANTOOINE-3rd part. Left path after 2nd jump.
Advanced Proton Bombs RAID AT BAKURA-2nd part. Meet silver requirement to get TIE Bomber stage, then bomb the very last dome to get upgrade.
Advanced Proton Torpedos RELICS AT GEONOSIS-2nd part. Inside one of the escape pods on the ground.
Advanced Shields REVENGE OF THE EMPIRE-1st part. Fly inside 4th or 5th transport.
Advanced Targeting Computer DEFENDERS OF RALLTIIR-Destroy transport on far side of bridge.
Homing Concussion Missles SPEEDER BIKE PURSUIT-1st part. There's a wall of trees on the left about 1/2-2/3 through the level. After that wall, take the left path when it splits
Homing Proton Torpedos EXTRACTION FROM RALLTIIR -1st part. On the right after the first turn.
Seeker Cluster Missles TRIUMPH OF THE REBELLION-1st part. To the right (if you're approaching from the left side of the catapults), or behind the first catapults you come to
Spread Bombs DECEPTION AT DESTRILLION-2nd part. Fly inside the super-laser bowl.
  Contributed By: Jedi BoB101
Unlock Co-op Mode Ships
Unlockable How to Unlock
Jedi Starfighter Get ALL gold medals in co-op mode
Millenium Falcon & Tie Adavnce X-1 Get ALL bronze medals in co-op mode
Naboo Starfighter Get ALL silver medals in co-op mode
Tie Fighter Steal tie in both night and day missions of Imperial Academy Heist(in co-op) and finish mission
  Contributed By: Jedi BoB101
Unlock Hidden Features
Unlockable How to Unlock
Ace Mode Earn all Gold Medals in all single player campaign missions, including bonus missions and complete Tatooine Training all four times of the day.
Audio Commentary Earn bronze medals in all single player campaign missions
Credits complete Triumph of Rebellion Mission
Documentary complete Triumph of Rebellion Mission- any level
Empire Strikes Back Arcade Game Complete Death Triumph of the Rebellion Mission- any level
Star Wars Arcade Game Complete Death Star Rescue Mission- any level
  Contributed By: Jedi BoB101
Unlock Secret Ships
Unlockable How to Unlock
Jedi Starfighter All Silver medals in Single Player & Bonus Missions
Millenium Falcon All bronze medals in Single Player & Bonus Missions
Naboo StarFighter Beat Tatooine Training in all 4 times of day and get all hidden items
Slave 1 All Bronze Medals in Standard Single Player Missions
Tie Bomber Destroy all of the ground turrets in the Raid at Bakura in missile linked groups
Tie Hunter All gold medals in single player & Bonus Missions
  Contributed By: Jedi BoB101
Art As Menu Background
Go to the art gallery in the special features section. Go to the picture before the one you wish to use as the background. Press right to switch to the image you desire, but in the time after the first image has disappeared and before the desired image appears, when the screen is black, press B. You will return to the special features menu with the desired image as the background

Your custom image

Send us an email explaining and we will add waterver game tips u want. if we missed something, or we have fake codes, email us at marcin_gamemaniac@hotmail.com.

Your custom image
  Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Infinite Lives
At the start screen press the following code. If done correctly you should hear a noise.
Code Effect
  Contributed By: angryjackalx

Your custom image