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Mario Sunshine

Unlock Sunglasses & Hawaiian Shirt
Both of these items are given to you by the man wearing sunglasses.

You can get the Sunglasses by obtaining 30 shines.
You can get the Hawaiian Shirt after completing the game.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Hawaiian Shirt See the man wearing sunglasses after completing the game
Sunglasses See the man wearing sunglasses after obtaining 30 shines
  Contributed By: bluberry
Access Pianta Village Anytime
This trick allows you to access Pianta Village without the rocket nozzle.

Get behind the Shine Gate in Delfino Plaza, and jump onto the first small wall. Face away from the gate, backflip (quickly press the opposite direction and jump) and hover over to the large Shine, and land on the little overhang surrounding it. Go to the edge facing the rest of the plaza, turn around, and do a triple jump, only make the first two jumps small. Do this next part quickly and carefully: on the peak of the third jump, hover, turn around, and grab on to the top of the gate. Jump into the pipe, and congrats! You've just gotten into Pianta Village without using the Rocket Nozzle!
  Contributed By: P0lar Bear
Walk Underwater
This glitch allows Mario to run around underwater in Delfino Plaza during the flood.

Clear Episode 7 in every level to flood Delfino Plaza. After watching the long cutscene and Mario's long drop into the Plaza, swim over to the log in front of the Shine Gate. Dive underwater, and try to surface under the log. If done correctly, Mario will suddenly drop and he'll be walking around under the water, and the Underwater Life Gauge will be gone. You can do this trick with any of the logs in the Plaza.

NOTE: During the flood, only Serena Beach and Pianta Village are accessable. The rest of the stages and any underwater manholes or buildings aren't.
  Contributed By: P0lar


Choose Your Announcer
At the Player Select screen of any of the 4 Game Modes (except Tournament), you can use the L and R buttons to Cycles through DJ, Kenny, and Tyson as your announcer.
Code Effect
At Player Select Screen, press L or R Cycles through the Announcers
  Contributed By: RajuBajurl
Dragoon V2 Booster Pack
To Unlock the Dragoon V2 Booster pack you must beat the tournament once, then in the lobby talk to the DJ and he will say something about giving you a gift if you can win the next tournament. Beat the Tournment once more and talk to the DJ in the lobby again and he will give you the ''Dragoon V2 booster pack'' You can equip it in the Joint.
  Contributed By: Mystical Sheep
Get Dual Dragoon bit beast
Beat the national championship once and talk to DJ in the lobby, and he'll give you the Dual Dragoon bit chip.
  Contributed By: GValko
Unlock Daichi
In order to unlock the little guy Daichi, you have to defeat him in Tournament Mode. When you defeat Daichi and win the tournament (he'll randomly appear), he will join your roster.
  Contributed By: SSBM Pichu
Unlock King
To unlock King you just have to beat him in tournament mode. Same as earning Daichi. He doesn't have the best blade, so using him may be difficult.
  Contributed By: seer358
Use the DJ
In order to use the DJ (that's right, the announcer!) you have to defeat DJ in the tournament. I believe you cannot have any ''Try agains'' in order to get this character. If you're using DJ, Kenny or Tyson will be the announcer.
  Contributed By: SSBM Pichu

Mario Kart Double Dash

New start and "Thanks for playing screen"
To get a new start and Thanks for playing screen you have to beat All cup tour on every difficulty.(50cc,100cc,150cc, and mirror mode.)
  Contributed By: Lilman0318
Racing Rewards
To unlock everything, just win Gold on every Cup in every difficulty.
Unlockable How to Unlock
All Cup Tour (All 4 Cups in one) Finish the Special Cup in 150CC
Alternative "Thanks for Playing" Screen Earn Gold trophies for all cups in all race classes
Alternative Start Screen Earn Gold trophies for all cups in all race classes
Barrel Train (Diddy Kong's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in 150CC
Bloom Coach (Daisy's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 50CC
Boo Pipes (King Boo's Kart) Finish the Special Cup in Mirror Mode
Bullet Blaster (Bowser Jr.'s Kart) Finish the Special Cup in 50CC
Green Fire (Luigi's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 50CC
King Boo, Petey Piranha, Piranha Pipes (Petey Piranha's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in Mirror Mode
Luigi's Mansion (Battle Mode Arena) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 150CC
Mirror Mode (Selectable at the CC selection) Finish the All Cup Tour in 150CC
Para Wing (Koopa Paratroopa's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in 50CC
Parade Kart (Belongs to Toadsworth, but he doesn't race) Finish the All Cup Tour in Mirror Mode
Rattle Buggy (Baby Luigi's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 100CC
Special Cup (Wario Colosseum/Dino Dino Jungle/Bowser's Castle/Rainbow Road) Finish the Star Cup in 100CC
Tilt-A-Kart (Battle Mode Arena) Finish the Flower Cup in Mirror Mode
Toad, Toadette, Toad Kart (Toad's Kart) Finish the Special Cup in 100CC
Toadette Kart (Toadette's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in Mirror Mode
Turbo Birdo (Birdo's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 150CC
Waluigi Racer (Waluigi's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 100CC
  Contributed By: CaptainDrakesGhost
Staff Ghosts
To unlock the staff ghost for each time trial track, beat the following times.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Baby Park Ghost Beat a time of 1:14.000
Bowser's Castle Ghost Beat a time of 2:47.000
Daisy Cruiser Ghost Beat a time of 1:55.000
Dino Dino Jungle Ghost Beat a time of 2:03.000
DK Mountain Ghost Beat a time of 2:15.000
Dry Dry Desert Ghost Beat a time of 1:53.000
Luigi Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 1:29.000
Mario Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 1:44.000
Mushroom Bridge Ghost Beat a time of 1:34.000
Mushroom City Ghost Beat a time of 1:53.000
Peach Beach Ghost Beat a time of 1:15.000
Rainbow Road Ghost Beat a time of 3:19.000
Sherbet Land Ghost Beat a time of 1:28.000
Waluigi Stadium Ghost Beat a time of 2:02.000
Wario Colloseum Ghost Beat a time of 2:24.000
Yoshi's Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 2:02.000
  Contributed By: Deathborn 668
Pipe Plaza Glitch
In the balloon battle mode on the Pipe Plaza map. if an enemy hits you into a pipe with their weapon, and you are thrown through the pipe then you will not lose a balloon. Instead, you will come out of the pipe with stars around you and it will appear as though you just drove through the pipe.
  Contributed By: vulcandragon
Mushroom City Quick Boosts
As you may have noticed on the Mushroom City course, among the traffic are vehicles shaped/colored like the Mushroom items. If you run into them, you don't spin out like you would against other cars; rather a Mushroom is thrown from the back for you to collect/use for a quick boost!
  Contributed By: DBM11085
Turbo Boost after Lakitu Retrieval
If you fall off the track or get stuck underwater for more than a couple moments, Lakitu comes to pull you out and place you on the track again. When he picks you up, wait until just before you touch the track again, then press the acceleration and you'll get a turbo boost if you timed it correctly.
  Contributed By: DBM11085
Turbo Boost at Race Start
To get a turbo boost to give you a head start in the race, do not press/hold the acceleration button before the race. Wait until just before the final light appears, then hold down the accelerator If you time it correctly, you'll be shot ahead, giving you a quick start!
  Contributed By: DBM11085