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Age of Empires rise of rome expansion+NEW! Age of Empires 1 suggested by derrro45

New start and "Thanks for playing screen"
To get a new start and Thanks for playing screen you have to beat All cup tour on every difficulty.(50cc,100cc,150cc, and mirror mode.)
  Contributed By: Lilman0318
Racing Rewards
To unlock everything, just win Gold on every Cup in every difficulty.
Unlockable How to Unlock
All Cup Tour (All 4 Cups in one) Finish the Special Cup in 150CC
Alternative "Thanks for Playing" Screen Earn Gold trophies for all cups in all race classes
Alternative Start Screen Earn Gold trophies for all cups in all race classes
Barrel Train (Diddy Kong's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in 150CC
Bloom Coach (Daisy's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 50CC
Boo Pipes (King Boo's Kart) Finish the Special Cup in Mirror Mode
Bullet Blaster (Bowser Jr.'s Kart) Finish the Special Cup in 50CC
Green Fire (Luigi's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 50CC
King Boo, Petey Piranha, Piranha Pipes (Petey Piranha's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in Mirror Mode
Luigi's Mansion (Battle Mode Arena) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 150CC
Mirror Mode (Selectable at the CC selection) Finish the All Cup Tour in 150CC
Para Wing (Koopa Paratroopa's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in 50CC
Parade Kart (Belongs to Toadsworth, but he doesn't race) Finish the All Cup Tour in Mirror Mode
Rattle Buggy (Baby Luigi's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 100CC
Special Cup (Wario Colosseum/Dino Dino Jungle/Bowser's Castle/Rainbow Road) Finish the Star Cup in 100CC
Tilt-A-Kart (Battle Mode Arena) Finish the Flower Cup in Mirror Mode
Toad, Toadette, Toad Kart (Toad's Kart) Finish the Special Cup in 100CC
Toadette Kart (Toadette's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in Mirror Mode
Turbo Birdo (Birdo's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 150CC
Waluigi Racer (Waluigi's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 100CC
  Contributed By: CaptainDrakesGhost
Staff Ghosts
To unlock the staff ghost for each time trial track, beat the following times.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Baby Park Ghost Beat a time of 1:14.000
Bowser's Castle Ghost Beat a time of 2:47.000
Daisy Cruiser Ghost Beat a time of 1:55.000
Dino Dino Jungle Ghost Beat a time of 2:03.000
DK Mountain Ghost Beat a time of 2:15.000
Dry Dry Desert Ghost Beat a time of 1:53.000
Luigi Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 1:29.000
Mario Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 1:44.000
Mushroom Bridge Ghost Beat a time of 1:34.000
Mushroom City Ghost Beat a time of 1:53.000
Peach Beach Ghost Beat a time of 1:15.000
Rainbow Road Ghost Beat a time of 3:19.000
Sherbet Land Ghost Beat a time of 1:28.000
Waluigi Stadium Ghost Beat a time of 2:02.000
Wario Colloseum Ghost Beat a time of 2:24.000
Yoshi's Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 2:02.000
  Contributed By: Deathborn 668
Pipe Plaza Glitch
In the balloon battle mode on the Pipe Plaza map. if an enemy hits you into a pipe with their weapon, and you are thrown through the pipe then you will not lose a balloon. Instead, you will come out of the pipe with stars around you and it will appear as though you just drove through the pipe.
  Contributed By: vulcandragon
Mushroom City Quick Boosts
As you may have noticed on the Mushroom City course, among the traffic are vehicles shaped/colored like the Mushroom items. If you run into them, you don't spin out like you would against other cars; rather a Mushroom is thrown from the back for you to collect/use for a quick boost!
  Contributed By: DBM11085
Turbo Boost after Lakitu Retrieval
If you fall off the track or get stuck underwater for more than a couple moments, Lakitu comes to pull you out and place you on the track again. When he picks you up, wait until just before you touch the track again, then press the acceleration and you'll get a turbo boost if you timed it correctly.
  Contributed By: DBM11085
Turbo Boost at Race Start
To get a turbo boost to give you a head start in the race, do not press/hold the acceleration button before the race. Wait until just before the final light appears, then hold down the accelerator If you time it correctly, you'll be shot ahead, giving you a quick start!
  Contributed By: DBM11085

Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology Codes
To activate these cheat codes, press enter, type in the code, and then press enter again to activate it. Cheat codes must be in all caps (Ex: HOWDY will work as apposed to howdy). Cheats do not work in the demo version of AoM.
Code Effect
DIVINE INTERVENTION Allows you to use a previously used god power
IN DARKEST NIGHT Changes the game time to night
L33T SUPA H4X0R Faster building
ENGINEERED GRAIN Fatten herd animals
ATM OF EREBUS Gives you 1000 Gold
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! Gives you a bunch of monkeys
BAWK BAWK BOOM Gives you a chicken-meteor god power
WUV WOO Gives you a flying purple hippo
TINES OF POWER Gives you a forkboy
FEAR THE FORAGE Gives you a god power that turns all units on the map to goats
O CANADA Gives you a lazer bear
PANDORAS BOX Gives you several random god powers
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA Gives you the heroes from the campaign
WRATH OF THE GODS Gives you the Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado god powers
LETS GO! NOW! Increase Game Speed
RED TIDE Makes the water red
SET ASCENDANT Reveals all the animals on map
CHANNEL SURFING Skips to the next scenario in the campaign
GOATUNHEIM Transforms your enemies into Goats.( Not into pigs )
  Contributed By: MonkeyMan9, dark kamu, Tenken, racquet13, amunre, Foxkax

Empires:Dawn of the Modern World

Cheat Codes
Press ''enter'' to bring up the chat interface. Enter the code and press ''enter'' again
Code Effect
Communism All resources are reduced to 0.
I know kung fu All units are instantly trained and all building are instantly constructed
Call boggy Gives player 1000 food.
Republicans Gives player 1000 gold.
Get stoned gives player 1000 stone.
Beaver Gives player 1000 wood.
Daddy's credit card Gives player 10000 of each resource
The ring of power Physical power is replenished when all is depleted.
Weak like Ukraine Player loses.
Shock and awe Player wins
No soup for you Reduces the amount of food to 0.
QA salary Reduces the amount of gold to 0.
Busted Reduces the amount of stone to 0.
Cold Shower Reduces the amount of wood to 0.
Blue Folder Removes all resources on the map.
Pit Stop Replenishes flight time of all planes
Red Bones Replinishes health of all of the player's units
Homeland security Reveals entire map.
Noob reveals map, removes fog of war, gives player 10000 of each resource, all units are instantly trained and all building are finished.
  Contributed By: circusbred

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